
Kingdom of Sweden, Capital Stockholm, 10 millions habitants, language Swedish (wikipedia) most people speak English. Member of the European Union

A young and promising activist = Greta THUNBERG (long and complete interview The GUARDIAN) 5000 words, please read it !!!

Antje JACKELEN (1955) archbishop emerita and primate emerita (prima inter pares) of the Church of Sweden, the national church. On 15 October 2013, she was elected the 70th Archbishop of Uppsala and formally received through a service in Uppsala Cathedral on 15 June 2014, making her Sweden’s first foreign-born archbishop since the 12th century, and the first female archbishop.[3][4] was ordained a priest in the Church of Sweden in 1980 and became Doctor of Theology at Lund University in 1999. Previously she was Bishop of Lund from 2007 to 2014. (her full biography is here) – June 2023

Associations (Kvin means women)

  1. Bang (Feminist Rewiew & newspape) on live http://www.bang.a.se/ STOCKHOLM
  2. BPW Sweden http://www.bpw.se STOCKHOLM
  3. Centrum fレr genusforskning http://www.sam.kau.se/genusvetenskap/ KALSTAD
  4. efi-ife org http://www.efi-ife.org
  5. Equal Value http://www.equalvalue.se/ NACKA
  6. History and women http://www.ub.gu.se/samlingar/kvinn/ GOTEBURG
  7. Jamombud http://www.jamombud.se/
  8. Kvinna till Kvinna Foundation http://www.kvinnatillkvinna.se/english/index.html STOCKHOLM
  9. Kvinno http://www.kvinno.fhsk.se/website1/
  10. Kvinnorkan http://www.kvinnorkan.se/
  11. National Secretary for Gender http://www.genus.gu.se/
  12. University (gender studies) http://hum.gu.se/ GOTEBURG
  13. University Women http://www.kvinnligaakademiker.se STOCKHOLM
  14. WILPF Sweden http://fredfrihetfeminism.wordpress.com STOCKHOLM
  15. WILPF Sweden (KIFF) http://www.ikff.se STOCKHOLM
  16. Women stop war WILPF http://www.womenstopwar.org/instead-of-being-a-boy
  17. YWCA of Sweden http://kfum.se/ STOCKHOLM



A very complete page about “Women in Sweden” is on WIKIPEDIA and interesting law from ther 18th century: Female taxpaying members of the cities’ guilds are allowed to vote and stand for election during the age of liberty; this right is banned (for local elections) in 1758 and (general elections) in 1771

created 6th march, updated 8th may 2019